Youth Ambassadors

The ACA Youth Ambassadors are a group of twelve people who reside across Australia and wish to represent the youth of the Australian Campdraft Association.

In this position, they will be become more involved in the Association, which will allow them to not only learn more about it, but also campdrafting itself.

In turn, they will be able to use this platform and their knowledge gained from it, to be a voice & role model for younger members.

It is is an exciting opportunity for each of them and ACA are proud to welcome them to the team!

Youth Reporters

ACA Youth Reporters are a group formed by the Australian Campdraft Association to allow ACA youth members the opportunity to write for and publish articles in the ACA News.

The Youth Reporter position will allow youth to gain real life experience in the journalism industry, from interviewing talents, writing & editing articles, selecting imagery for articles and submitting content to the ACA Magazine Coordinator within applicable deadlines.

The group of Reporters will consist of up to six (6) or less ACA members. The cohort of these people will be from ten years of age to the year that they are when they conclude Year Twelve, or their relevant high school studies. Should the Reporter wish to conclude their Youth Reporter position while they are still in school, they must inform the ACA Magazine Coordinator.

The Youth Reporter role is an exclusive and exciting opportunity that allows our youth the ability to share their voices about topics they are interested in to a nation wide audience.

Should you be interested in applying for a Youth Reporter position, please contact Greta, the ACA Magazine Coordinator, to discuss position availabilities at