Edition 4 of Women In Campdrafting

The Front Cover of Edition 4 Women In Campdrafting features and celebrates some ladies at ACA National Finals events throughout our fifty years – Lady Competitors at the 1974 Roma National Finals, Susan Glenwright (now Susan Salmond) competing on High Noon at the 1980 Injune National Finals (1980 Champion Lady Rider Winner), Kate Sutton and Carrabean Boy at the 1987 Capella National Finals (1987 Champion Lady Rider Winner), Jackie Knudsen riding Expected Barrister at the 2007 Weengallon National Finals (2007 Champion Lady Rider Winner) and Bryony Puddicombe competing on CD Catt in the First Round of the Restricted Open at the 2020 Nebo National Finals (2020 Champion Lady Rider Winner). Photography supplied by the Australian Campdraft Association.